πŸ”Unlock Masternode

Disabling Masternode and Unlocking Collateral

To spend your Masternode collateral amount (100 000 BLOCX) you’ll need to unlock the coins. To unlock the input you need to first enable coin control feature in your wallet. Open your Wallet Go to settings >> options >> wallet and select β€œenable coin control features”.

Now head to Send tab of your wallet and click on inputs button which will open coin selection window. There you’ll find the collateral amount being locked and grayed out. Now right click that amount and click on β€œUnlock unspent” and it will unlock those funds.

Simply unlocking this funds will not stop your masternode but if you move those coins to another address then your masternode will be taken down.

Second Option

Instead of unlocking collateral using coin control feature there is also another method. First close your core wallet, head to your wallet file location and then open masternode.conf file. There you’ll find the entry of your masternode. You can either delete it or for future reference, you can add # in front of that masternode config line. Now restart your wallet and your masternode coins will be unlocked. You can then spend those coins normally.

How to Stop Masternode in your VPS

Now as you have spent the masternode amount your masternode has went offline. However the wallet in your VPS will be still running consuming the server resources. To stop the masternode wallet follow these steps. Login to your VPS server and type in the following command blocx-cli stop

That’s it! Your masternode has been terminated completely.

Now if you ever wish to revive the masternode then first send the collateral amount to the same wallet address. Then start the masternode wallet and wait for it to sync. Once it is done open your local wallet masternode config file and input the txid and index accordingly. After this open your wallet, navigate to masternodes tab and start alias. This is only if you are using same VPS / IP. If you’ve moved to different server then in config file you need to change the IP details accordingly.

Last updated