BLOCX. Mainnet to BLOCX ERC20
Remember, you will always receive fewer BLOCX ERC20 tokens than Mainnet Coins. This is because the bridge covers the fees when converting from Mainnet to ERC20.
After entering your desired amount, click on 'Bridge'
Ensure that your wallet address matches the one where you want to receive BLOCX ERC20 tokens. You can edit it manually if needed. The system automatically picks the currently connected address on the site.
After verifying everything, click on 'Submit' to proceed to the next screen.
Copy the wallet address and proceed to your wallet to transfer the required funds to the copied address.
You can use any available wallet: web, mobile, desktop, or even an exchange wallet. In this guide, we are using a desktop wallet.
After sending the funds, wait for one confirmation and then click on 'Confirm Deposit'
The bridge was successful; you can now find BLOCX ERC20 in your MetaMask wallet.
BLOCX. ERC20 to BLOCX. Mainnet
For swapping ERC20 BLOCX to BLOCX Mainnet, connect to your MetaMask and ensure you have enough ETH to cover transaction fees, as well as the BLOCX ERC20 tokens you want to swap.
Enter your desired swapping amount, then click on 'Bridge'
Enter the BLOCX Mainnet wallet address where you want to receive the coins and click 'Confirm Deposit'
You can use any wallet address, whether from a web, desktop, mobile, or exchange wallet.
You have successfully bridged your coins over to Mainnet and can now find them in your chosen wallet